About IM Kresner

My story begins with

One of my earliest and happiest memories,

Standing in front of a canvas and painting,

Ever since preschool,

I have wanted to be an ARTIST.

But WHO and WHAT are Artists anyway?

This is such an elusive and ever-changing question. And very much a question that has no clear answer.

In looking at this website and connecting with my art, I hope you too will join me in my quest to get closer to an honest understanding.

I also hope that these artworks move you.  They are a painted and pictorial imagined conversation between myself and my late cousin, the amazing artist, Lee Krasner around “BECOMING AN ARTIST”.   Her life and works have provided me with so many clues in my journey so far.   However, my heart tells me it is time for my clues to now come from other places.   

Contact me to brighten my conversation and share your positive thoughts or let me know if my artwork has touched you.  

Ilana M Kresner

(IM Kresner)

© IMKresner (Ilana M Kresner)